Soo... no-brainer, right? Bikes down the driveway, off to destinations unknown. God bless us.
You'd be 50% right. (Can't get these statistics right, can we?) While Donna had worked diligently all day Saturday and early Sunday morning, the other half of KevAndDonna was trapped in a 2-hour line for a flu shot after ducking out of same on Saturday. Now, mind you, this was for a savings of something like $20-$40. Free drive-through flu shots for the masses, just come and get in line. So, there Katrina and I sat. And sat. And sat. Of course, the problem was that after a half-hour you really had no idea how much longer it would take, and you didn't want to piss away the time already spent. Then once we finally got into the parking lot, we were trapped in a staging area and couldn't get out if our asses caught fire.
At this point, I realize that if they had told every taxpayer in Lehigh County that they had to appear there, or could pay $20 to waive it, there would be 15 people there, and the county employees would have had Aerosmith at their Christmas party. But give away a $20 flu shot for free, and the whole county comes.
Lesson learned.
So, Donna got in a nice ride. After our ordeal, Katrina and I did manage to get my car waxed while I did two oil changes. You know, the crap that you realize in the middle of winter that needed to be done, and you really need a nice day to do them?
She does look pretty good cleaned up, don't she?

Also going back to an old post, Katrina's reward for the hard work was her first lesson driving stick shift. We'll spare the details, but suffice it to say we'll need a few more lessons. She'll get there. And she has pictures of herself driving the Mustang, so she's excited. Daddy rocks.
Lastly, all was not lost after all. Because Cowboys-Eagles was Sunday's late game, we had taken another day off Monday just in case. And wouldn't you know it, the weather is supposed to be almost as good :-). Details to follow.
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