OK, OK, it's been a *LONG* time since we've updated LBB - a few days short of a year, in fact, despite the misleading date stamp (I figured out how to mess with it, and backed it up to the actual date of the trip.)
We plan our long weekends while waiting out the winter, and with this being the year of Harley-Davidson's 110th Anniversary, we decided it was time for another trip to Cumberland, MD. Faithful readers of this blog will recognize this place as one of significance to us. (Faithful readers of this blog will also be *very* patient people.) We've returned to the site of these photos, and our overnight base a few miles down the road, once before. And back then in 2009 , it was still a "return" of sorts for us, as this is the site of the first pictures in existence that include both of us, and the site of the first overnight stop for our band of gypsies on our way "home" to Milwaukee for the 105th Anniversary the previous summer.
When we returned back then, we were surveilled by a territorial peahen who appeared out of nowhere while we basked (froze, actually) in the moment. In an instant, our memories flashed back to the original pictures of the group, which featured the same fowl pecking around the same bikes. This time, we had been eagerly anticipating our reunion for weeks. Alas, we were disappointed to find our friend gone and the Town Hill Bed and Breakfast for sale.
We were not, however, surprised to be joined by other riders within a few minutes: another set of lovebirds on dual-purpose off-road bikes. They obliged us by using our camera to commemorate the moment, and shared some suggestions for great riding in the area. Best wishes for a great weekend were exchanged, and off we went on our adventures. In short order, our gear was stashed at our familiar Super 8 in LaVale and we were watching the Kentucky Derby over some surprisingly good Cajun food in a historic downtown Cumberland hotel.
Back at the 8, I sat down with a beer and a map, and combined our new friend's ideas with my own to devise a cold Saturday of riding. It was during this time when we mutually confessed that despite the sentimental appeal of our modest accommodations, it was well past its prime 5 years ago and probably time to write that nasty carpet out of the script for the next episode. We have standards, after all. But the promise of a great day awaited us with the rising sun.
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