Friday, September 1, 2017

End Around

The good news: we successfully flanked Harvey and avoided riding in the dark in the rain, which sucks and is the only time either of us truly feels a little nervous on a bike. Do it in your car with the wipers off, and you'll get a sense of what we're talking about. We completely blew off our stated plan, but didn't really go out of our way and managed to avoid what we thought was a certain fate. Win.

The bad news: we were wearing under layers, sweaters, leather jackets, gloves, and rainsuits by 10 pm and were still cold, so we quit. It was August yesterday! So, we got from the Philly end to the Pittsburgh end after work today, but Google Maps says we now have just under 800 to go tomorrow to make our reservation in Memphis. Harvey is behind us, so we'll have good weather and reveille at 04:30 and we'll get this done. We're in Memphis again Sunday night, so we'll be good to go when we hit it  Monday morning. Rock n roll...

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