Yesterday, we left Montreal after another night of getting in late and trying like hell to catch back up. All was well in the morning, we had a great time poking around the city, and got out on the road headed for some more sightseeing. When we stopped to take a picture of a freighter on the St. Lawrence Seaway, my bike wouldn't restart. A second try a minute later brought it to life, and
Another one of those campfire stories developed throughout the day, including finding the worlds only Harley dealer with nothing but a Honda sign out front. This is no lie. We found it, turned back and rode 15 minutes back into town, only to end up retracing for the third time and finding out it was indeed true. We blew off all the sighseeing and ended up in management mode, trying to get out of a bad situation and preparing for the worst.
At the end of the day, I wound up replacing an ignition coil (same part that failed in the other blog three years ago) in the parking lot of a Super 8 in Pulaski NY while Donna was at the laundromat. We left today with our rainsuits on and hoped for the best.
We got here to Niagara Falls right around lunchtime as planned all along, and after a spritz or two of rain earlier, it was bright and sunny as we rolled in. The bike seems to be cured (although I did lose the guts of one muffler at mile marker 314 on the NY Thruway.)
So it's been quite the week. The bikes are filthy and everything packed for the ride is disorganized and shoved hastily here and there. We missed some of the things we wanted to do, and spent more time than we wanted hustling down the interstate. But here we are, having a great time on our little honeymoon like the lovebirds we are, and ho
Pictures will be posted sooner or later, and we'll be filling in the gaps with the stuff we didn't mention along the way.
By the way, if you read the last post and prayed, thanks. It worked.
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