I was a little concerned that we would be behind the 8-ball already at this point, but we actually made it here to Brattleboro early

enough to take the scenic route the last 30 miles. Plus, we backtracked and re-entered Vermont twice in order to get the corny "Welcome To ___" pictures I insist on getting with Donna and her bike. There was no sign on US 5 coming across the border, so we tried I-91 and got our Kodak moment that way.
The weather was great today, and we had no problem covering a lot of ground. We didn't do much sightseeing or picture taking, but we did manage to get in 406 miles and 6 states, plus a nice dinner at Friendly's. Not bad for a first day.
We're making a Z-shaped kind of route here for the first couple days, so that we can hit every state on the way to Maine.

Starting at the bottom, we're almost to the upper left corner right now. From here, it's almost straight across New Hampshire to the Maine seashore, before we turn north for Canada.
It's nice riding with seasoned riders who get the picture and know how to keep moving and get where you need to be (and do it without whining!) We're all set for big things tomorrow. Donna is out of the shower and it's my turn, so that's it for today.

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