Sunday, July 31, 2011

That Was Quick

OK, here it is 10:00 Sunday night and time for bed.  No updates post, no nothin'.

We got home Saturday, 4,954 miles and two Saturdays after we left, at exactly 5:59 pm - 1 minute early!  Since then, we've managed to unpack, sort the souvenirs, sleep (well!) do all the laundry, grocery shop, clean the bikes, and go through the pictures.  They're not uploaded yet, but you won't have to look at 300 pictures of flat grassland once they are.

I also have a couple more posts, as I usually do, to capture some moments and thoughts that didn't make the real-time updates.  (I actually have some notes in a notebook.)  Check back again over the coming days if you're so inclined.

But at any rate, it's great to be home.  Not so great to be setting the alarm for work after two weeks, but that's what pays for all the fun.

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